Predictive Solutions

Training & Development

Enterprise Solutions Training & Development Consulting

‘You simply aren’t aware of it yet, but you are an inventor! Teams with a variety of styles do noticeably better than those with a more homogeneous makeup when it comes to innovation.’

The following flaws, according to research, prevent team creativity and result in low morale and mediocre performance:

  1. People frequently express early criticism when presented with novel concepts. This prevents a team member from thinking creatively.
  2. Instead of taking the initiative to look for, predict, and seize opportunities on their own, people frequently wait on other team members to identify problems for them to fix.
  3. Both individuals and groups frequently struggle with effective word definition and communication. People may not understand what something implies, despite their assumption that “we all recognize what that means.”
  4. Teams often poorly define problems. This is due to members confusing the concepts of symptoms, problems, causes, and effects. To be noticeably better, a team should define a problem clearly and ensure everyone understands and agrees on it.
  5. The fear of failure is a bane for individuals and teams. The fear that their ideas are not perfect result in the members of team spending all their precious time subjecting the ideas to criticism, preventing team creativity.

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All of the above can be overcome with enterprise-solutions training and development. Our courses and workshops are specifically designed to improve the team’s ability to innovate effectively and achieve the real change the industry and organisation are looking for. Please contact us on 0592026056 to discuss how we may help you.

A list of the forthcoming Predictive Research and Enterprise Solutions (PRES) courses and workshops and sessions.

Community Engagement for Creative Team Building – courses and workshops

Predictive Quantitative Insight: Making Smarter Prescriptive Problem-Solving Decisions – courses and workshops

Innovation Skills and Creative Problem Solving – courses and workshops